Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year, New Clients - Let's Retain Them!

HAPPY NEW YEAR!  This time of year is always exciting with the opportunities and possibilities that it has in store.  Now is the time when so many people resolve to develop healthy habits, get fit, and lose weight.  Inevitably, these new year resolutions bring new people into our classes and old clients back that might have gotten off track.  This is a wonderful opportunity for fitness professionals to help these people and along the way increase their client base.

Here are two simple ideas you can use to keep all of them coming back for more:

1) Go the extra mile by taking extra time with new & returning class participants.  Grab them for a few minutes before or after class to get to know why they chose water aerobics and what they hope to get out of it.  Encourage them, let them know you want to help them reach their goals.  If they ask for advice, give it to them- reminding them that your advice never takes the place of their doctor's advice.

2) If you are a certified personal trainer, now is a great time to offer your extended services and help design a workout program that includes water aerobics.  If you are not a certified personal trainer, then get together with the ones at your facility.  Develop a good working relationship with them.  Educate them about all of the awesome benefits of water aerobics.  Offer to collaborate with them:  hold a special water aerobics class for the personal trainers and their clients, give them outlines of your favorite water workouts and exercises, make a commitment to refer clients to one another.

So with that, get out there and make 2011 a successful and prosperous year!  

Do you have some more ideas for retaining all of our new year clients?  Post a comment below or email me at:

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